Thursday, September 3, 2009

sidewalks of brooklyn

the sidewalks here continually intrigue me, so tonight on my grocery run (jed works late) i decided to bring along my little olympus and tell you about it. maybe you'll find the hilarity in it all as well.

first of all, let me just tell you about the dangerous unevenness of the sidewalks. many times have i gone propelling forward in what could've been a fatal trip, thanks to my tendency to watch the sky, not the ground. some would blame distracted concrete pourers, while others would blame the weather. i blame it on the preservation of just one more attribute that i love about the city: it's quirkiness.

here we have a sure-fire way to stub your toe in sandals.

next, a stroller's nightmare.

at times, walking down the street is like eating popcorn out of those huge, variety pack, christmas tins. three flavors available - the first two are nice but the third tastes like tin.

as i mentioned before, you'll end up in an underground storage unit if you're not careful. caution signs are so early 90's, man.

i almost died of fright one time walking in heels across one of these subway grates. i thought i was tip toeing but i wasn't tipping enough, and the only thought in my mind for a millisecond was "she's going down people."

once in a blue moon, you'll come across a 21st century wonder - pavement. call me crazy, but it's boring, flat, straight, and clean from lack of wear. pppshhht.

there is one thing about the sidewalks here that jed and i can't seem to figure out. see those black dots? this is a shot of a very young and pale piece of sidewalk that hasn't yet been around the block, mind you, but it's still pretty full of black dots, right? well i say it's careless tar workers. jed (with the more likely possibility) says it's decades of gum users. the black dots are ev-er-y-where. seriously. i guess it's impossible to have that many careless tar workers, but on the flip side jed has a chip on his shoulder against people who spit out their gum on the sidewalk as a gift for your shoe.

no matter the story, it's a distinct sidewalk character here.

and you know, it's so funny to me sometimes that this

can be next to this.

who plans this?

but alas. at the end of the day, our sidewalks are merely foundational stories describing the people who pound them.
we just happen to think its a privilege to read those stories.

one more thing.

does anyone need a bed frame?


Neese said...

best blog entry ever! lol. Amy that was great, very observational of you... and something to continue to ponder as you pound the pavement! :)

The SC Elwarts said...

LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing.

Joe T. said...

Cool pix.

Laurie said...

You're so clever, Amy -- you picked the perfect topic to illustrate your new home city. :o) Thanks for sharing!

Sarah Brackbill said...

haha! just had to laugh at the last one. Seen a few headboards in our neighborhood to go with the bed frame:-). hehehe
We need to get together again. did you guys ever make it to the doughnut plant?