Monday, March 16, 2009

no news news

it's been awhile since i've updated on our brooklyn situation, so i think today is a good day for that. when i say our "brooklyn situation," i'm referring to the part of our lives where we're looking for jobs and eventually an apartment. jed and i both continue to have movement with our resumes as recruiters have been calling us and interviewing us, which is quite encouraging still. i had my first actual job interview on wednesday and i'm waiting to hear back from them on whether or not they will hire me. jed has a possible job opportunity from a connection with a friend here in new york, but it's still a newer opportunity that he hasn't had a chance to interview for yet. the opportunity that he had with sanford-brown institute (the one where he went through all four stages of the interview) is no longer a possibility. he was very close to being hired, and then they closed down the position he was interviewing for due to budget reasons, so we're believing that this is protection from God for something that may not have been best.

while both of these opportunities would be significant blessings to us immediately, we continually rest in our God who promises his best for his children right when the timing is best. we are still living with our friends, the craftons, which continues to be a huge means of grace to us. plus, we get the entertainment of a two-year-old at our fingertips! and let me tell you, the entertainment is nothing short of hilarious. another plus of being in the northeast is having two of jed's siblings nearby in eastern pennsylvania. we stayed with his sister for a little over a week before coming back to brooklyn last tuesday. we're very thankful to have such support from both friends and family!

we are so thankful to be in the city we love, and we continue to ask God for help and strength and wisdom for one day at a time. we'll try to get jobs as soon as possible so that we can then get an apartment so that then we can be set up for a continuous flow of guests. until then, thanks for praying.

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